Strange Driving Laws in USA

Which State Has This Strange Driving Law Quiz


There are many strange driving laws in the United States. From forbidding drivers to drive around a town square aimlessly to throwing flaming objects from a moving vehicle, we at DM Injury Law have taken an interest in these unusual laws.

Test your knowledge in our Strange US Driving Laws quiz and see how many states you can identify. Pass or fail, enter your name and email address to be entered to win a $50 Amazon gift card. We will randomly select winners for each Friday in March!

Strange Driving Laws in America Quiz

1. In which state is riding a camel on a highway illegal?(Required)
2. Where is it illegal to read a comic book while driving?(Required)
3. You could get fined in this state if you store trash in a vehicle.(Required)
4. Where can you not drive blindfolded?(Required)
5. In which state can you not spit from a car or bus?(Required)
6. Where is it illegal to tie a dog to a roof of your vehicle?(Required)
7. In which state is it illegal to honk your horn after 9 PM outside of a sandwich shop?(Required)
8. If you are over the age of 88, you cannot ride a motorcycle in this state.(Required)
9. Where is it illegal to spin or squeal your tires?(Required)
10. Which state has a city that outlaws you from running out of gas?(Required)
11. In which state is it illegal to honk someone else’s horn?(Required)
12. Which state has a law against driving a car without a steering wheel?(Required)
13. Which state outlaws cab drivers from reaching out and pulling in potential customers into their taxis?(Required)
14. Which state has a city law where it is illegal to honk your horn because it might scare nearby horses?(Required)
15. Finally, in which state do birds have the right of way on all highways?(Required)

There are some weird traffic laws in the United States! If someone else’s negligence caused you to be in a car accident and suffer an injury, remember, Mike’s Got This!



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