Our client, whose birthday happened to be the day of the accident, was stopped at a stop sign when the at-fault driver, who was on their phone, rear-ended her car. This car crash caused our client to suffer severe injuries to her head, neck, and back.
The defendant’s insurance company refused to offer our client any compensation for the accident. They claimed her injuries were related to degeneration with age. However, our client had none of the symptoms before the accident, meaning the defendant caused her pain.
Our client filed the claim by herself with no luck, so she decided she needed an attorney. After hiring our rear-end accident lawyer, we were able to get the insurance company to agree to a mediation. Through mediation, we were able to secure a $175,000 settlement for our client. This was more than enough to cover her medical bills and car damage. Considering the insurance company secured an expert witness to testify in the case and gave our client no initial offer, we are very proud of this resolution.
“My approach emphasized the human element of the accident. I highlighted that the accident occurred on the client’s birthday. I ensured that the insurance company did not view this case as just another file number but as a person with a story.”
Attorney Connor McAteer