Our client, a young woman who recently moved to Kansas City, was going to the pawn shop with a distant friend. The friend needed to pawn items to pay for unpaid parking tickets. One of the items she was planning on pawning was a handgun.
The store clerk asked the friend if the gun was loaded. When she told the clerk that she did not know, instead of handing the gun to the clerk to safely inspect, per the pawn shop’s insurance policy, she fiddled with the gun in her purse.
The gun went off, and the bullet went through our client’s knee. The friend immediately left without checking on our client. Our client sought legal advice from various attorneys who turned down her case. She then came to DM Law.
Personal injury attorney Michael DiPasquale took her case and explored avenues other attorneys didn’t think of. While the friend shot the gun, it was the pawn shop who mishandled the product. When the transaction began, the clerk should have taken the gun for inspection, as this is stated in their insurance policy.
When we discovered this, we were able to pursue compensation from the pawn shop’s insurance company. We secured a $3,400,000 settlement for our client after this traumatic event.
“We proudly take cases other law firms are scared of taking.”
Attorney Michael DiPasquale